
[AHA2011]AHA主席Gordon F. Tomaselli教授谈大会亮点与基因检测进展

作者:  GordonF.Tomaselli   日期:2011/11/21 16:31:00



    <International Circulation>: What do you think are some of the most important breakthroughs in prevention lately?

    Prof.Tomaselli:  I still think that the recognition that an active lifestyle, a reasonable diet and calorie balance are important as a measure, has been around for a while but is a notion that has been reinforced time and time again. There have been a number of studies that have shown that if you don’t develop risk factors by middle age then you are not going to develop cardiovascular disease. Those are the key things. It is not an individual contributing factor, but a series of things: diet and exercise, maintaining a healthy body weight and in the case of secondary prevention, it is really the ABCs (aspirin, blood pressure control and cholesterol control). Those combinations of things really do help to push back the onset of cardiovascular events in those at risk.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

AHA2011大会亮点Gordon F. Tomaselli 心脏病预防基因

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