
[WCC2012]食盐摄入与心血管疾病——Thomas Gaziano教授专访

作者:  ThomasGaziano   日期:2012/4/28 17:32:40


Dr. Gaziano:…about 25% of the working age population. In the US it is around 9-10%; up to 40% in South Africa and 30% in India, so almost three-fold at times. In the high income countries between ages 35 and 65

  <International Circulation>:  What countries have done salt taxation?

  《国际循环》: 哪些国家已经开始征收盐税?

  Dr. Gaziano:None. That is purely a hypothetical analysis to see what might occur similar to the tobacco industry. South Africa may be one of the first to introduce a large tax on salt. There are already some taxes on trade related to it but not specifically on the salt content as an ingredient.

  <International Circulation>:  What about the salt substitutes?

  Dr. Gaziano:There have been many studies come out of China, mostly from the George Institute in Beijing and I think that is a particularly attractive strategy in places where salt is added at the table and that is important for developing countries and particularly China where there is less opportunity for that to happen. We did not in this analysis look at the costs of salt substitution but we have reached out to the George group to say we would like to look at their analysis as well. We also added this issue of screening and drug treatment because we are not going to save the worlds by salt reduction only. This method will reduce risk by 1-2% but if you want to get to that 25% goal, you have to go after cholesterol, you have to go after smoking, and you have to go after improvement in treatments, improving compliance with a polypill and other methodologies and salt substitution where appropriate. In an area where salt is not added at the table, a salt substitution strategy is not going to work. Countries need to have a menu of options that they can engage in that are either pragmatically introduced or politically introduced. China’s response will be very different to India’s response which will be very different from Brazil which will be very different from South Africa’s response.


  <International Circulation>:  Has salt substitution been tried in countries outside of China?

  Dr. Gaziano:There are other salt preparations. The number of studies coming out of China is certainly high. The George group is leading in the area in terms of their research. People have looked at the different variations of sodium in salt and I think the different food industries have been looking at this as well because they are clearly worried about taste issues. The George group has been looking at how high they can push up the potassium before it becomes unpalatable. And there may have been other studies but I am not familiar with them.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡

食盐CVD Thomas Gaziano

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