
[ACC2011]ACC联合主席Michael H. Crawford教授谈ACC2011大会特色

作者:  MichaelH.Crawford   日期:2011/3/29 16:07:18


⑴As 2011 Annual Scientific Session Program Chair , please introduce the highlights and spotlights of ACC. What are the different aspects comparing with previous ACC?

Michael H. Crawford   加州大学旧金山分校医学中心心内科

    <International Circulation>: As Chair of the ACC.11 meeting, what were your goals for this year’s event?


    Prof Crawford: We have three components to the program. We have the latest science that we want to present to keep our members on the cutting edge. We have structured sessions that we put together based on suggestions from our membership and other societies around the world for topics that are controversial in worldwide cardiology. We aim to have thorough discussions about those, and symposia and panel discussions with experts and so on. Thirdly we have the lifelong learning sessions where physicians can refresh their skills and knowledge perhaps directed towards maintenance of certification or licensure in their State. We try to put these three components of the meeting together in a place where they can also relax and have some fun so we have the meeting in New Orleans.


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版面编辑:沈会会  责任编辑:张衡


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